Thursday, February 11, 2016

Movie # 42 The Special Relationship 2010

So im an 80s baby but i`m proud to be 90s child. Even at a tender age I knew the Bill Clinton sex scandal was history in the making. And now with "The People Vs. O.J" becoming a massive hit dealing with a period in history that I lived through it this made for HBO film "The Special Relationship" peaked my interest. It deals with Tony Blair and Bill Clinton and there relationship starting from Clinton's second term til his final days in the white house.

Movie #42 The Special Relationship 2010

I enjoyed this movie right off the bat for a number of reasons. One as stated above this was a time in history I remember quite well but was young enough to not really understand the in's and outs of what was actually going on. Also i`m more interested in history and political history then when I was younger. Being an HBO film that actors are at the very top of there form. The Queen/Frost Nixon writer Peter Morgan pens the story and like his other work he captures the time period and complex people beautifully. I really loved that Michael Sheen once again played Mr.Blair as he did in 2006's The Queen as well as a few other actors. It can almost be seen as weird companion piece.  Obviously this might not be everyones cup of tea but I enjoyed it and it deserves the high rating on Rotten Tomato.

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