I swear in a past life I was a social experimenter. The social sciences hold a huge fascination for me so today's movie about the real life 1961 "Obedience Experiment" conducted by Stanley Milligram seems right up my alley. After decades Stanley's experiment is still taught, debated,dissected and discussed. Its really interesting and I highly recommend looking it up. Also its interesting to note that a movie I recently watched "The Stanford Prison Experiment" was done in the wake of Milligrams ground breaking research.
Movie# 51 Experimenter 2015
Michael Almereyda walks a fine line as he focus's on Milligrams work but also does not allow the film to feel totally detached from him on a personal level. We get to peel a layer back to see a flesh and blood man and not just a scientist. In my opinion its a tricky line to walk as you dont want to stray from the really interesting experiments but you also dont want to leave out the man behind them. Thankfully the film does not white wash the fact that some thought what he did was wrong but largely I think many of us can see what he did was a benefit to science and to human understanding. Almereyda's visual style keeps the audience on its toes and makes it far more than just a stuffy bio-pic. Peter Sarsgaard brings his A game in bringing to life Stanley Milligram. Playing his wife and collaborator is Winona Rydner and shes actually not terrible in this. Sorry but I think her acting outpoint is uneven at best. 1992's Dracula need I say more? Overall I really enjoyed this film and it currently holds a respectable 88% freshness on Rotten Tomatoes.
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