Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Movie# 41 Deathgasm 2015

Metal and horror movies are a combination that sadly is largely untapped expect for a few Hair Metal horror flicks from the 80s (Black Roses,Trick Or Treat etc) So when I heard about the hype from New Zealand's "Deathgasm" it peaked my interest.

Movie # 42 Deathgasm 2015

Dear sweet Satan do I love this film! Its like a splattery metal album cover come to life, brutal bloody and most of all a wickedly funny which drives the film. Its extremely well written and balances the comedy which is at times absurd (in a good way) with drama much like "Shaun of the Dead" did so well. Its obvious that the filmmakers took a lot of cues from Evil Dead 2, Dead Alive (Brain Damage) and perfectly melds them together to make one amazingly fun film ride. I dont want to give anything way, you just need to experience it for yourself. It'll have Lemmy and Dio smiling from the Metal afterlife.

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