Trying to fill in the gap of Brian De Palma films i`ve not yet seen.
Movie# 49 Raising Cain 1992
De Palma is a director that when hes good hes amazing when hes off, hes really off. But generally speaking i`m a fan of his work. Besides "Carrie" hes made a string of great films but lets be fair, he does crib alot off other directors most notably Hitchcock. This is not meant as a criticism by any means. Raising Cain is a huge mess of a film, which has a lot of contrived ideas done much better in other films (Peeping Tom for one) with his own "spin" on it. The predictable plot is made worse by Lolita Davisovich's bland and wooden performance (were also suppose to believe shes a doctor..) and sadly she cant compare with John Lithgow who has to play duel roles. Lithgow is good even though he does get hammy especially when he has to do an accent. Oh by the way this might feature thee worst dialogue in any of Brians films. Overall it feels forced and sloppy and De Palma even starts to borrow from himself as film limps to a ending that anyone with half a brain would see coming. Its always a terrible thing when someone as amazing as De Palma can turn out this kind of sub par film. I think i`m going to reach for my much loved copy of "Body Double" or "Dressed to Kill" ah yes better times!
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